Technology and Women Empowerment Program (TaWEP)

The Technology and Women Empowerment Program (TaWEP) is a year-long project being implemented by Mobile Web Ghana and funded by the US Embassy Ghana. The goal of this project is to develop and prepare women and girls with basic digital skills, work-readiness skills and encourage them to take up leadership positions with the hope of building their capacity in their careers and education and helping them become great leaders. 

The project is focused on the following objectives:

  1. To empower and develop girls and women with work-readiness skills such as communication skills, soft skills, job retention skills, how to prepare for mock interviews, conflict management, among others.
  2. To reskill and upskill girls to acquire basic digital skills.
  3. To empower them with practical skills aimed at building their capacity in STEM and encourage them to pursue career options in STEM. 
  4. To build and develop the capacity of girls to develop innovative technology-driven solutions to solve local problems.
  5. To increase the involvement of women in leadership roles in various industries across the country through women empowerment sessions.

This project started in full force in late 2020. There are three modules that are run under this project. These are:

  1. STEM Program

2. iLead for Women

3. Get-Ready-For-Work Series

Under each module, there are series of online training that is being done for registered participants. These training sessions are facilitated by experts in the various fields in an engaging manner to pique the interest of participants so they can obtain adequate information and learn new skills.

STEM Program

Our partner organization for the STEM Program is Ghana Code Club. Ghana Code Club is an IT organization that specializes in teaching children between the ages of 5 and 17 years basic computer programming. Over the past weeks, there have been weekly online sessions on zoom where participants were taken through lessons on some basic digital skills. Some topics that have been taught are Productivity Suites for Beginners, Search Engine Optimization for Beginners, and Coding Resources for Beginners. The STEM Program will have other interesting activities in the coming weeks. Participants will be engaged in some activities such as The ABCs of STEM which is a chat series that focuses on sharing tips, heroes, and online safety, and The BIG STEM Day which is a one-day event that showcases products and innovations of STEM.

iLead for Women

The iLead for Women is a program aimed at empowering, coaching and equipping women with knowledge and skills to realize their full leadership potential. Our partner organization is the Empowerment Institute, an organization that engages in capacity building programs especially for women through training, counselling and other personal development/empowerment programs. The programs that have been done in the past weeks so far, had different topics on issues most women can relate to or have even experienced. Some topics that have been taught are:”Understanding Women’s Leadership”. “Understanding Personal Leadership” and “Empowerment and Women and Leadership: The good, the bad and the ugly”. Prior to the beginning of the activities in this program, a survey was shared on social media pages asking questions about people’s understanding or perceptions about women in leadership. Majority of the respondents were women. After getting the results, our first program was called ‘Open Forum for Women Series’ where we had an online event with some participants and discussed the survey results. This served as a kickstarter to the iLead for women series of events. 


This is a series of work readiness programs targeted at women within the ages of 18 to 25 years to prepare them for the work environment. The program will include skills such as communication, personal skills, job retention, career options, mock interviews, conflict management etc. Under the Get-ready-for-work-series, we have 3 distinct activities. These are:

  • CV Clinic: Participants will be taught different methods of writing a winning CV. The series will happen once a month. Professionals/experts will review and give feedback on various CVs submitted by individuals. 
  • Get-Ready-for-Work Chat Series: This series will cover topics like job retention, how to negotiate for and get a salary increase, communication in the workplace, teamwork, mock interviews, stress management at the workplace etc. It will be held once a week.
  • The Employment Day/Fair: This is a big one-day event that brings job seekers and employers together to interact and connect with each other. Series of activities like interviews of candidates, feedback on CVs, exhibitions etc. will be scheduled throughout the day.

Our partner organization for the Get-ready-for-work series is Elidel Prestige Limited, a human resource consultancy firm that has over 10 years of experience in the oil and gas industry across West Africa.

There is an online session every week that we believe you would be very much interested in. Do follow Mobile Web Ghana on Facebook and Twitter to be updated about the weekly TaWEP events. Also, you can register via this link to receive information about our next events and a link to join the sessions.