Mobile Web Ghana Wraps Up Its Youth Media Literacy Program with an Unforgettable Grand Finale

In an era where the rapid dissemination of information is a daily reality, the need for media literacy has never been more important. The Youth Media Literacy Project is being implemented by Mobile Web Ghana in collaboration with the U.S Embassy in Ghana. The project has successfully equipped young media professions and students in Ghana with essential media literacy skills and knowledge. The Youth Media Literacy Program Grand Finale, held on September 7th, 2023, at the U.S Embassy in Ghana, marked a significant milestone in addressing the problem of fake news. This event was the culmination of an ambitious 8-month-long initiative, a collaborative effort between the United States Embassy in Ghana and Mobile Web Ghana. Its overarching objective was to equip the youth with essential media literacy skills, empowering them to navigate the complex landscape of media with wisdom and knowledge.


In a world of information overload, the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction, discern bias from objectivity, and evaluate sources critically is indispensable. The Youth Media Literacy Program recognized this need and embarked on a journey to empower young media leaders of tomorrow, thanks to the visionary efforts of Kevin Brosnahan, the Press Attaché at the U.S Embassy in Ghana, who conceived this impactful initiative.

The event commenced with an opening remark by Madam Emily Perk, the Public Affairs Counselor of the U.S Embassy in Ghana, emphasizing the pivotal role of media literacy in today’s digital age and there is a need to support programs like this.

The highlight of the Grand Finale was undoubtedly the project presentations by various groups, each delving into a unique facet of media literacy. These groups, bearing names like “The Detectors,” “Team Media Savvy,” and “Wise Watchers,” to name a few, demonstrated a remarkable depth of understanding in their chosen areas. Their presentations, spanning topics such as detecting media biases, understanding digital literacy, and exploring the dynamics of citizen versus professional journalism, captivated the audience.


The media industry veteran Bernard Avle, General Manager for Citi TV/FM, added an extra layer of richness to the event. In his keynote address, Mr. Avle underscored the evolution of journalism over the past two decades. He shared a valuable acronym, “CITE,” signifying Collaboration, Integrity, Training, and Experience, imparting these as guiding principles to the aspiring media leaders. His address served as a testament to the importance of adaptability and growth in the media landscape.

Two groups stood out during their project presentation:  “The Detectors” and “Team Media Savvy,” were lauded for their exceptional presentations and depth of knowledge acquired during the training period.

The Grand Finale of the Youth Media Literacy Program was not merely an endpoint; it was a commencement of a new era of media literacy in Ghana. It showcased the remarkable potential of the youth when armed with media literacy skills. As the event concluded, the message was clear: these newly empowered individuals are poised to make a profound impact on the world.

In a world where information is power, these emerging media leaders are well-equipped to wield it responsibly, shaping a future where media literacy prevails, and misinformation fades into insignificance. The Youth Media Literacy Program Grand Finale was not just an event; it was a call to pave the way for a more informed, discerning, and media-savvy society.